A downloadable game for Windows

你回到了阔别已久的故乡,正值万圣节的夜晚。街道上满是各种各样的装饰,气氛既热闹又诡异。你走进你熟悉的社区,打算去邻居家讨要一些糖果,回味曾经的万圣节时光。然而,你很快发现,某些邻居似乎有些奇怪。他们的行为、眼神、话语中透露出某种不寻常的气息。逐渐地,你意识到——你身边的人,不全是人类。 随着夜晚的深入,越来越多的奇怪现象开始出现,你开始怀疑,或许你的邻居们早已不再是他们自己。你必须保持警惕,与他们交谈,调查一切异常行为,揭开这场鬼魅万圣夜的真相。到底,谁才是真正的鬼?谁又在伪装?

You have returned to your long-lost hometown, just in time for Halloween night. The streets are filled with all sorts of decorations, the atmosphere both festive and eerie. You walk into your familiar neighborhood, intending to go trick-or-treating at the homes of your neighbors, hoping to relive the nostalgic Halloween memories. However, you quickly notice that some of your neighbors seem... strange. Their behavior, their eyes, and the way they speak carry an unusual, unsettling air. Slowly, you begin to realize—those around you might not be entirely human.

As the night deepens, more bizarre occurrences unfold. You start to suspect that maybe your neighbors have already stopped being who they once were. You must stay alert, converse with them, and investigate every strange behavior to uncover the truth behind this ghostly Halloween night. Who is truly a ghost? And who is just pretending?


GhostKnockDoor.zip 58 MB

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